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East Asian Studies: Encyclopedias / Dictionaries / Etc


  • Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture - Olin Ref DS 779.23 .E5 - 1200 entries exploring a diverse range of cultural subjects.

  • Encyclopedia of Modern Asia - Olin Ref DS 4 .L48 - Six volumes of entries about key people, places, events, issues, and processes across Asia. 

  • Modern Japan: An Encyclopedia of History, Culture, and Nationalism - Olin Ref DS 805 .M63 - Covers key people, events, and themes in Japan since Admiral Perry's visit in the 1850s. 

  • Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan - Olin Ref DS 805 .K633 - Older but still essential encyclopedia on all things Japan. 

  • JapanKnowledge [electronic resource] : chishiki tansaku saito = Japan knowledge : encyclopedias, dictionaries and databases. A rich resource of Japanese reference sources. Among the many encyclopedias and dictionaries it includes the Nihon Kokugo Daijiten. Click the Japanese "login" button to access.  


  • Beginner's Chinese Dictionary - Olin Ref PL 1455 .D66 
  • China: A Historical and Cultural Dictionary - Olin Ref DS 733 .C58523 - 1500 entries covering Chinese civilization from Peking Man to the present day. 
  • Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Korea - Olin Ref DS 904.8 .N34 - Domestic, political, and social events, foreign affairs, economic and cultural developments, and the men and women who have influenced South Korea's history. 
  • Kenkyusha's New Japanese-English Dictionary - PL 679 .K4 
  •  Political and Economic Dictionary of East Asia- Olin Ref DS 504 .H63 2005 - Concise definitions of the terms, organizations, and personalities making up the economic and political fabric of East Asia.   
  • Chinese Dictionary Online
  • Japanese Dictionary Online
  • Korean Dictionary Online  


  • A Guide To The Japanese Stage: From Traditional To Cutting Edge - Olin Ref PN 2924.2 .C38 - Concise explanations of traditional and conteporary plays in Japanese theater. 
  • Facts about China - Olin Ref DS 706 .F25 - A comprehensive reference source covering all major topics regarding the People’s Republic of China.
  • Handbook of the Media in Asia - Olin Ref P 92 .A7 - The current state of the mass media in Asian countries.



  • Historical Atlas of South-East Asia - Olin Ref G 2361 .S1 H5 - The historical development of South-East Asia (Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and the PhilippinCules) from the earliest times to the present. 
  • Cultural Atlas of China - Olin Ref DS 721 .B56 - Physical and historical as well as cultural coverage.