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College of East Asian Studies: Korean Studies

Libraries in Korea

  National Library of Korea
(국립 중앙 도서관)  
  National Digital Library
(국가 전자 도서관)  
  National Assembly Library
(국회 도서관)


Korean Bibliography Search includes a bibliography of approximately 4,800 records of books about Korea in English up to 1995 held by the Library of Congress.
Bibliography of Korean History from Postwar Japan includes a bibliography of books and magazine articles on Korean history published in Japan since 1945. Compiled and copyrighted by Chosenshi kenkyukai (the largest academic society in Japan specializing in Korean history), and linked to the personal website of Professor Mizuno Naoki, another authority on Korean history in Japan.

Korean Literature

The Learned Society of Modern Korean Literature (한국현대문학회)      Full-text available after registering for the membership.
The Korea Comparative Literature Association (한국비교문학회)   Full-text articles available.
The Society of Korean Oral Literature (한국구비문학회)The Modern Linguistic Society of Korea (한국현대언어학회)    Full text of the Journal of Studies in Language (언어연구) is available from the first issue to the present. Searchable by volumes, issues, or titles.
한국언어문화연구원  The Linguistic Society of Korea.
한글학회  Korea Language(Hangul) Association.
The Korean Association of Language Sciences (한국언어과학회)Brother Anthony of Taize An Sonjae Homepage of Professor Emeritus, Sogang University and professional translator. . Links to information on translators of Korean and lists literary works published in English translation since 1979 plus Full-text of his translations books.

Korean Studies Information

Zininzin Ilche Sidae Munhwa Yujok Chosa Charyo (진인진 일제시대문화유적 조사자료)

E-Kyujanggak: Old Maps 규장각 고지도
  More then 220 Digital images of old Korean maps with information about the regions. Kyujanggak, Seoul National University.




Sea of Korea Map Collection    The Sea of Korea Maps Map Collection at the University of Southern California Library.  Consists of original old maps, dating from 1606 to 1895, in English, French, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Latin, German and Russian.

Encyclopedia of Korean Culture (한국민족문화대백과사전): 분야 (지리, 역사, 경제, 산업, 종교, 철학,등), 유형 (인물, 지명, 용어, 놀이, 단체...), 시대분야 (선사, 고대, 고려, 조선, 근대, 현대) 로 조사할수 있음.  (Examples are listed below.)

Choson Ilbo Archive    Choson Ilbo Archive is a full text database of the Choson Daily Newspaper Archives from its beginning issue in 1920 to the present. The database is searchable by keyword, journalist, date, and so on.

eKorean Studies  Integrated and comprehensive service whose objective is to make e-resources in the field of Korean Studies accessible world wide.  Product of a consortium of six major DB vendors led by Panmun Academic Services.
KSI E-BookKoreaA2Z –Korean Studies DB Contents :    DongBang Media Co., Ltd.   Provides a collection of full text databases on a variety of subjects including primary sources, reference resources, classical literature, newspapers and other books. It also includes Digital Culture Art Course,VOD lectures including over 900 courses under 7 subjects for continuing education. ‘디지털문화예술강좌/생태환경시리즈/역사ㆍ문화(교양한국사시리즈/사전/언론ㆍ잡지/건강/문화/역사)  등.
DB of Korean Classics(한국고전종합DB),      Sources translated into Korean from Hanmun (Chinese) such as 국역조선왕조실록, 국역승정원일기, 국역일성록 and many more 한국문집총간, etc.
Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies (서울대규장각 원문자료),     조선왕조실록, 일성록, 승정원일기, 내각일력, 비변사등록, etc.
Annals of Choson Dynasty (조 선왕조실록, 국사편찬위원회/ National  Institute of Korean Studies)  comprise 1,893 books covering 472  years  (1392~1863) of the history of the Choson Dynasty, from the reign of King  Taejo, the founder, to the end of the reign of King Cheoljong
Korea History On-line (한 국역사정보 통합시스템), ncludes classical works, historical maps, official court records of the Choson Dynasty such as the Sungjongwon ilgi (Diary of the Royal Secretariat), colonial sources, important modern literature, newspapers and magazines, Korean translations of the works in Classical Chinese, etc.

Ilcheha Chonsi Ch'ejegi Chongch'aek Saryo Ch'ongso (일제하 전시 체제기정책사료 총서 =日帝下 戰時 體制期政策 史料 叢書)
Korean Studies Resources Portal (한국학자료포털)   Center for Korean Studies, Academy of Korean Studies.

Nate 한국학

한국향토문화전자대전: 조선시대에는 국가주도하에 전국 규모의 향토문화 편찬사업 실시. - 세종실록지리지(1454), 신증동국여지승람(1531), 여지도서(1757) 등 향토문화 집대성 작업이 주기적으로 이루어짐. ◇ 1980년~1991년 한국정신문화연구원(현 한국학중앙연구원) 주관으로『한국민족문화대백과사전』편찬을 국책사업으로 추진. 18세기 후반 이후 맥이 끊겼던, 대규모 민족문화 집대성 사업으로서, 중앙 중심적 시각에서 이루어짐. 이 성과를 바탕으로, 급속히 소멸되어 가는 향토문화자료의 보존·계승을 위해 향토문화 자료의 발굴, 수집, 연구 분석을 통한 문화콘텐츠 산업 기반 마련 및 주체적으로 21세기 문화시대에 대비, 문화콘텐츠 산업의 중간재로 활용할 수 있도록 집대성.

Locating CJK translations of literature

Index Translationum: It is a bibliographic database of works translated from the original to other languages.

Other Centers & Programs


Academy of Korean Studies


  • EIAS Europe Institute for Asian Studies
  • IIAS International Institute for Asian Studies

North America

  • Association for Asian Studies List of links to Korean Centers
  • CEAL Council on East Asian Libraries
  • AAS The Association for Asian Studies
  • KALIPA Korean American Librarians & Information Professionals Association (재미 한인 사서 문헌정보인회)