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Data Management

How to manage research data to meet funder requirements and facilitate your research

Funder Requirements

Consult these databases to quickly access information about requirements for data sharing and data management plans. If your funder is not listed and you require assistance location their guidelines, contact a librarian using the information in the sidebar or the Grants Office. While these resources are actively maintained, make sure to consult the linked funder webpages within the databases to make sure the information is up to date.

2022 OSTP Memo on Public Access

In August 2022, the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) released a memo addressing public access policies for federally funded research. In short, the memo requires that all federal agencies put into practice new policies which will provide free, immediate, and equitable public access to federally funded research (including research data) with no embargo. Policies are to be published by the end of 2024, and effective by the end of 2025.

This doesn't necessarily mandate publishing in an open access journal. Individual agencies will have discretion in determining what it means to ensure public access. For example, you might also deposit your final manuscript in the NIH's designated repository, PubMed Central, to meet their requirement. Make sure to check the policies and guidelines of your funding agency, which you can find through the SPARC link above. Be aware of the possibility for conflict between publisher requirements and funder requirements when deciding on where and how to publish.

Further Reading: About the OSTP 2022 Memo, University of Michigan Library

Have questions about the OSTP memo and how it effects your research? Ask a librarian using the link in the sidebar.