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Reference Search

Full text search of dozens of encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other reference sources:

Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, etc.

All resources listed without links are print resources located in the Reference section on the main level of the Science Library.

IUPAC Gold Book - Compendium of Chemical Terminology (interactive version)

  • Popup structures
  • Interactive link maps
  • Ring index


  • Encyclopedia of inorganic chemistry - QD148 .E53 2005
  • Encyclopedia of biological chemistry - QH345 .E52 2004
  • Encyclopedia of chemical physics and physical chemistry - QD451 .E539 2001
  • Macmillan encyclopedia of chemistry - QD4 .M33 1997


  • Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers (online) - contains more than 7,500 polymeric material terms, including the names of chemicals, processes, formulae, and analytical methods that are used frequently in the polymer and engineering fields.
  • Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary- QD5 .C5 2002
  • McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Chemistry - QD5 .M357 1997 - A good basic chemistry dictionary.


  • CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (Online) (also in print in Science Reference: QD65 .H23) - A classic and extensive source for physical constants, chemical properties and other data pertaining to chemistry and physics. Data is displayed in tables; the handbook is updated annually.
  • Dictionary of Organic Compounds - - QD246 .D5 1996 - Key data on the most important organic compounds.
  • Merck Index - RS51 .M4 2013  (SciLi Ref. and SciLi Stacks) - "Data on the most important chemicals, drugs, and biological substances." Includes formulas, uses, and literature citations.
  • ChemSpider (online) - ChemSpider is a free chemical structure database providing access to over 28 million structures, properties and associated information. By integrating and linking compounds from more than 400 data sources, ChemSpider enables researchers to discover the most comprehensive view of freely available chemical data from a single online search. It is owned by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • PubChem - PubChem is an open chemistry database at NIH, open in that you can put your scientific data in PubChem and that others may use it. It provides information on the biological activities mainly of small molecules but larger molecules are included. 
  • Knowledgedoor - Open access periodic table provides constants, conversion factors, and mathematical equations plus  25000 facts covering all chemical elements and spanning more than 130 quantities.
  • ToxNet - (TOXicology Data NETwork) from the National Library of Medicine has been integrated into other NLM products and services - HSDB (hazardous substances) is now in PubChem, TOXLINE is in PubMed (tox subset link), see the ToxNet page for complete details.
  • NCBI Databases - National Center for Biotechnology Information - U.S. government-funded national resource for molecular biology information. Information about genes, genomes, proteins, and chemicals. Access to many public databases and other reference tools.

Handbooks and Treatises

  • Lange's Handbook of Chemistry - QD65 .L36 - a classic reference work for physical properties of organic and inorganic elements and compounds, and spectroscopic techniques.

  • Patai's Chemistry of Functional Groups - Patai covers all aspects of the chemistry of functional groups – an essential tool for the organic chemist – including physical organic chemistry, analytical chemistry and techniques, reaction mechanisms, chapters on synthetic pathways, reactions and strategies as well as applications in drug discovery, pharmaceuticals, biochemistry and molecular biology. Library holdings 1996 through 2013 online; older volumes in print.

  • Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry III (online) - comprehensive treatise on organometallic chemistry. Includes fundamentals, organometallics arranged by periodic table group numbers, main group and transition metal compounds in organic synthesis, and environmental and biological applications.

  • Handbook of Computational Chemistry (online) - Coverage includes molecular mechanics, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics calculations. Provides an accessible introduction to the methods and concepts of computational and quantum chemistry.

  • Handbook of Heterogeneous Catalysis (online) - authoritative articles on all aspects of catalysis as it relates to materials science, surface science, kinetics, mechanisms, and industry.
  • Handbook of High Resolution Spectroscopy (online) -  Combining the knowledge of spectroscopy, laser technology, chemical computation, and experiments, Handbook of High-resolution Spectroscopy provides a comprehensive survey of the whole field as it presents itself today, with emphasis on the recent developments.

  • Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry (online) (2011 ed) also in print, QD601.3 .H36 2003 - covers all of the chemical aspects of nuclear science starting from the physical basics and including such diverse areas as the chemistry of transactinides and exotic atoms as well as radioactive waste management and radiopharmaceutical chemistry relevant to nuclear medicine.

Laboratory Methods

  • Methods in Enzymology (online) - The critically acclaimed laboratory standard for almost 50 years, Methods in Enzymology is one of the most highly respected publications in the field of biochemistry.
