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Reference Search
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Physics Reference Sources
All resources listed without links are print resources located in the Reference section on the main level of the Science Library.
Encyclopedia of Physics - QC 5 E545 - Good basic accessible physics encyclopedia, 1 to 4 page articles with illustrations and bibliographies.
McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Physics - QC 5 M425 - Another basic accessible physics encyclopedia, with 1 to 4 page articles with illustrations and bibliographies.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Physics - QC 5 M424 - Accessible physics dictionary, includes acronyms and abbreviations, some illustrations.
Penguin Dictionary of Physics (also in print: QC5 .P46 2000) - provides clear and concise definitions for every area of physics - from optics and acoustics to mechanics and electronics, via quantum theory and relativity.
The Physics Quick Reference Guide - QC 61 C65 - Formulas, properties, conversions, constants, etc.
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (also in print: QD65 .H23) - A classic and extensive source for physical constants, chemical properties and other data pertaining to chemistry and physics. Data is displayed in tables; the handbook is updated annually.
Physical Reference Data - Compiled and provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).