Posters on the Hill An evening poster session and reception where students will have the opportunity to speak directly to members of Congress and demonstrate how they have been impacted by the research and education programs they fund.
National Conference on Undergraduate Research Showcasing the best in undergraduate research and the creative and performing arts.
Research Experiences for Undergraduates Symposium This conference will feature presentations by students from REU programs in all disciplines, sessions for REU administrators and faculty, and opportunities to meet with representatives from the National Science Foundation and other government agencies.
National Collegiate Honors Council a community of educational institutions, professionals, and students that are passionate about advancing honors education.
National Conference for College Women Student Leaders As America’s premier conference for college women, NCCWSL provides a transformative experience for attendees and prepares them to be the next generation of leaders.
Ask local high schools to allow you to present to a relevant class.
Present to regional chapters or national associations.