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Faculty & Staff Resources

Access Library Resources from Off-Campus

When doing research off-campus, be sure to start from the Wesleyan Library home page or Library OneSearch to ensure our vendors recognize your affiliation to Wesleyan; going directly to a database in your browser will only work when on campus.


Lean Library

The Lean Library browser extension will notify you when you are viewing an academic citation or a paywall access item that is available through Wesleyan University Library's subscriptions. 

Unlock access to academic papers
Thanks to your friendly Wesleyan University Library librarian and their partnership with Lean Library, you now have the ability to easily find study materials wherever and whenever you decide to study. And it's FREE!

Google Scholar

Add Wesleyan to your Google Scholar > Library links settings so Google Scholar will show links to articles that Wesleyan has access to.

Screenshot of Google Scholar settings for connecting libraries